European - Japanese-Chinese Relations

The existence of a superior management course specialized in commercial relations between Europe China or Japan poses the obvious question of the necessity to educate managers and executives cognizant of this specific geographical zone. The source of justification for this project stems from recent economic developments and the difficulties met by firms in driving their commercial politics in Asia.

In effect, in less than ten years, the commercial relations between Europe and Asia have been transformed into a major commercial partnership.

In 1992 for instance, there were two hundred French subsidiary firms implanted in Japan. Today there are more than four hundred and fifty. The importance of the commercial exchange between the two countries is illustrated by the opening of new sectors of the Japanese economy to European firms.
Thus France is not only a partner in the provision of local goods and services but has become a manufacturing power. The breakthrough of French investment in Japan is equally enlarged by the presence of our firms to new sectors: service industry (distribution, finance, advertising, media, tourism); information technology; heavy industries.... It is also demonstrated by the Renault - Nissan alliance, a model of financial partnership.

This particular configuration, this new politics of exportation, the European and French firm’s partnerships in Japan, necessitates managers with an excellent knowledge of the entire European/Japanese market and also the structure of distribution. So does in China.

Europe cannot neglect China. If its capacity of attraction is growing (1400 new French SME in 2005), it remains a difficult market. The obstacles do not miss: linguistic barrier, opaque lawful device, difficulties of collection of information on finance of the partners, counterfeit... These difficulties are surmountable if SME are known them. China is a competitive and demanding market, which requires time and patience. It requires a great availability and could not suffer from amateurism.

Further, the expansion of this market imposes the management of inter-cultural teams and cross management. Thus, the vocational training of executives in the Japanese work environment represents both an advantage for these firms and a pre-requisite for selection, recruitment and commercial strategic success.

To join Eurasiam - Japanese - Chinese Management is to answer to these new demands and become a central player in the commercial exchange between Europe, China and Japan.